Run No 5
Full Thunder Moon
saturday 24 july 2021
hares haggis humper & randy von fokker
joint south lantau hash 87 / full moon hash 5

Once the hares, Haggis Humper and Randy Von Fokker, had the 30+-strong pack make the 15-minute trek to Power Station Beach and set up the bucket, a briefing took place on the path by the beach. “7km wimps, 9km rambos, walkers can get round the trail in about 2 hours”.
34-degree heat and two long course options!!
So off we go, cutting in towards Yung Shue Wan past Haggis's residence. On to Reservoir Road and several checks that were tricky to solve, especially when use of markings are a little ‘sparse’. Trail snaked through the villages on to Lamma Fire Station, and turned up into the graveyard.
Hopeless & Lost In Translation decided discretion was the better part of valour, and cut back to the beach, finding a neat little Thai shop selling blizzard-cold Singha. Two pints followed by a stroll back to the finish, passing Nose Vibrator who also took an alternative route to find a drinking hole (thank you Hopeless).

I missed the ferry and arrived late to the beach, where the hare and SP were already getting stuck into the beer. It was very tempting to stay right there.
NO!!! I said sternly to myself… discipline, Moonie!
After being informed of the 7km and 9km trail options (!!!???), and the method of marking, I set off with Tangerine Dream, scooting back along the path we'd taken from the ferry – thus cutting out the first 1.5km – to where TD had spotted an
ON-ON on our way to the beach. Great shortcut!!
Just as we arrived there, the front runners – and the sound of Liberace crucifying the horn – came from the direction of Lamma Power Station. This enabled me to get a few pictures as everyone came past, bar three. Lost in Translation, Hopeless and Nose Vibrator had arrived at the crossroads, exited left, and gone straight to the nearest pub. Probably the best decision of the day!!

Winding up the hill, along lovely village paths and over the marked checks, it all had a bit of an FCH3 feel about it.
On to a Grasscrete roadway and left. Another check solved and the shiggy opened up to a well worn country trail.
Along and steadily up we went. Lovely views greeted us as we arrived at the top and a few more photos were taken. Along an undulating ridge with very little cover, scorched by the very hot sun. Eveybody well and truly strung out over the Lamma countryside now as we made our way slowly downwards back towards the power station.
Onto the Grasscrete once again, down left, and onto the wimp/rambo split something like 6.5km into the trail. Rambos left for a further 2.5km…… “Suckers!!!!” and wimps straight on.
Onto a fairly overgrown trail went the wimps, dodging dead dogs, dog poo and thorny bush a-plenty. Out into the villages at the bottom, along more village paths and On Home to the beach.
Plenty of cold beer waiting and most cooled down in the festering water coming from the Power Station outfall. Lovely!

Great run even if a tadge warm, and another great turnout by plenty of lovely hasher folk. Business was dished out to lots of deserving hashers who couldn’t put a foot right. Special mention was reserved for the hares, the sneaky trio who went to the pub and the latecomers!!
Don't ask me about anything else………. I’m not really sure how I got home!!!
Big thanks to the hare, who organized pizza, and to The Slog, who brought his customary ‘knock me out juice’. Well appreciated. And a shout-out to Prince of Darkness, who was so enamoured of the dystopian beach that he stayed all night, kipping on the concrete plinth at which the circle was conducted.
On-On to the next run, the Full Fruit Moon run on Sunday, 22 August, where Hopeless will delight us with the cityscapes of Kowloon Tong. On On!