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Full Moon Hash House Harriers
Hong Kong

One run a month, on the date of the full moon
as specified by the Hong Kong Observatory:

Moon phases in Hong Kong

From whence we came

Hong Kong. Such fantastic running territory.

From the southern shores of Hong Kong Island to the border with mainland China in the northern New Territories and all the islands and highlands in between, Hong Kong has such a wide range of areas to run or to walk, and to suit all types of people.

Hong Kong has more than a dozen hashes, from men's and ladies to babes and bike hashes. Lots of different hashes to suit all tastes.

The Full Moon Hash in Hong Kong was born from the fantastic hashing community we have here in Hong Kong.

One run a month, on the date of the full moon as specified by the Hong Kong Observatory:

Date and time of moon phases in Hong Kong

What's it all about?

  • Runs commence at 19:00 (except on public holidays)

  • Runs are in the range of 5-7km (-ish), sometimes with a wimp/rambo split, sometimes not

  • Hares will always attempt to include a hill from which, weather permitting, it will be possible to see that big white BALL in the sky

  • Hares will mark trail with large arrows and flour, where possible

  • Where a full moon falls on an evening on which another hash is running, a joint run will attempt to be organized

  • Hash cash is $60 for men and $40 for women

  • Ice-cold beers and softies will be arranged post-run

  • Full Moon Hash T-shirts are available at the run for those who would like to purchase them 

  • Home-made artisanal loaves of bread will be raffled off during the evening after the run to bolster hash cash and boost our donation to the annual Santa Hash at the end of the year, which raises money for Operation Santa Claus


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