Run No 2
Full Pink Moon

Tuesday 27 April 2021
Hares Tangerine Dream & Velcro Lips
Well, what another great turnout!!
The Full Pink Moon run was a joint run with the lovely Ladies Hash.
Run No. 2 was a little more accessible for those coming from Hong Kong Island and farther afield.
The start was well marked from the closest MTR, Lok Fu, and nicely hidden away from prying eyes at Lok Fu Park.
Liberace arrived early with the ice, unloading it at the barrier gate entrance to the park and leaving the hares to struggle up the hill with the beers and buckets while he went off to park elsewhere. Being an ex-cop he had inside information that the police were a bit free and easy with issuing parking tickets in that area.
Beer was duly iced and the pack started to arrive.

With most complying with the theme of wearing something pink, the pack set off up the road towards the service reservoir at about 1915 hrs, with latecomers arriving, dropping bags and bringing up the rear. Free Willy arrived very late after failing to make the association between the pink arrows from MTR to start and the Full Pink Moon run!
Down through the park we weaved, past a temple and on to Junction Road at the bottom. Checks were well marked by the FRBs through the streets and subways of Lok Fu as we made our way up past Morse Park and – ominously – towards Lion Rock.
Through Ma Chai Hang Playground, across Chuk Yuen Road and Chou Chuck Street and up the steps we headed. Up the hill, threading into a wooded area with some well-worn shiggy paths and the odd check back. Slog called On On from somewhere along the path and – hooray! – in a southerly direction away from the mountain!
Back down the hill we came, treading carefully on wet, slippery steps then taking a right on the service road. More slippery steps with most hanging on to the handrails for support.
FRBs Lost In TRanslation and Crackpot led us through the Wang Tau Hom residential area, back to Junction Road and up the hill to the bucket for a well deserved cold beer.

The circle was opened by Moonie a little after 9pm with Ladies Hash GM Crackpot continuing and add-ons by Hopeless and Tangerine Dream. Misdemeanours aplenty were reported and punishments dished out, every single one of them fully deserved!
As predicted, Slog produced his pink shot creation, which tasted a bit like Bailey's Irish Cream with a bit of pink colouring, and with everybody supplied with a Slog slug to toast the absent Moon!
And with the Moon staying well and truly hidden behind thick cloud (again!) it rested solely upon the Full Moon Hash GM to oblige, ensuring everybody got a chance to see the Full Pink Moon.
Once again, a great turnout with a lovely mix of hashershaving a superb evening.