Full Pink Moon Run No. 21
Another fine turnout of quality hashers assembled at Quarry Bay Park, Phase 2, at 7pm ready for another run under April's Full Moon — the Full Pink Moon.
After some confusion as to the actual start (although it was difficult to see how the markings from Quarry Bay MTR Exit B could be any clearer!!) we assembled under cover of the basketball courts in the event that the rain, which had been threatening all day, would actually fall.
The briefing was given……….. “An easy, flat, not too difficult and short run”………. and off they went towards Quarry Bay Police station.
On down Java Road for 200m, left to Healthy Street East and onto the first check on King's Road. The check took a bit of working out but eventually trail was found on over the tram lines up a short rise and on right down Tsat Tsz Mui Road.
Trail then went down the road for 300m, dog-legged round up onto Tanner Road to a backstreet footpath (still Tanner Road), right, left, and onto another check. Again, finding trail was difficult but it was eventually located up the steps and along the aptly named Aroma Walk, where the trail was marked at various places with dog shite!!
On up the steps went the pack, or should I say Lost in Translation, who thought she was at the back due to the confusion at the two earlier checks but was actually at the front. She wouldn’t find out until she got back to the bucket.
Liberace, Muck Diver, Jill and CONA struggled to find trail up the steps but did manage, in the end, to call it on and on up the steps they went, passing the residential Tanner Hill complex on the left and up through Tin Hau Temple Road Garden No2.
Popping out at the top on Tin Hau Temple Road it was left for about 100m and onto a split, which took the wimps straight on down the hill towards Braemar hill Road and the rambos right across the road and up more steps. A further 150m of steady climbing brought the rambos out at Braemar Hill Road and across the road to Choi Sai Woo Park.
Left through the park and out onto Braemar Hill Mansions Private Road. Then right through Greenery Mini-garden to Braemar Hill along a single-track concrete path heading towards the Quarry Bay Jogging Trail.
Another check at the T-junction, which felt like it should go further up the hill, but actually went left and the start of a long downhill stretch heading towards Po Luen Path. On down, rejoining the wimps on Tin Hau Temple Road, right, then left down some slippery steep steps and under Pak Fuk Road back toward Quarry Bay.
On down the aptly named “Stairway to Heaven”, rejoining Pak Fuk Road, across the pelican crossing, down a short flight of stairs, along a passageway, past Exit C of Quarry Bay MTR, zig-zagging through the last few streets and along King's Road to the On Home and the beer.
Luckily the rain held off!
Copious amounts of beer were once again guzzled by the small pack (where do they put it!!??) and some business was dished out to those most deserving.
All those who were blind to the markings from the MTR to the start.
CONA for throwing a spanner in the works and arriving by bus.
LIT (Hare for LH4) for reducing the already small pack even further by putting Helen in hospital, on Tuesday night, with a broken arm.
Virgin Full Mooner; CONA.
Pretend wimp, (did rambo) Jill.
Latecomers, POD and Maureen.
Muck Diver went to the Sevens and didn’t recover for a week!!
And, of course, a few given from the pack.
Plus a four-loaf raffle that went down well!