Run No 13, Friday 12 August 2022
Fruit Moon
Location: Hoi Sham Park, To Kwa Wan
Hare: Smallbone
Start 7pm, one run only, 6-6.5km

We gathered at a lovely location on the waterfront, next to a couple of covered park benches where we could secure our belongings off the floor from the abundant amount of “small animals” making themselves known all over the park!!
The hare gave the briefing around 7pm and off we went along the sea front teeming with evening strollers looking at these weird people in running gear barking out something or other as they ran down the pavement.
Trail cut away from the seafront through the streets of Ma Tau Wai and Kowloon City.
We continued through the streets and pedestrian walkways until we hit a set of steps which took us up into the hillside.
Some more checks and the odd false trail had us all kept well together as we turned back down the hill. Back through the streets we went and on back to some lovely cold beer. Cheers!!
Business was established and down-downs were duly given out to the most worthy and, of course, the hare (Smallbone), Liberace, Hopeless, Lost In Translation, Slog and a few more unsavoury characters — the usual suspects!!