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Run No 27 | Quarry Bay | 29 September 2023

Minja Turtle was the hare for this evening's Full Moon Hash #27 and Hong Kong Friday Hash #196 joint run.

The start point was at Quarry Bay Park, Phase II. They say many hands make light work, and with Liberace taking a night off beer and ice duties, so it was, with Hopeless, Lost In Translation, Jules and the hare carrying in drinks and ice from various locations around the local area.


Order was called bang on 7pm, and a run brief was given. “One run…between 4 and 7km (EHHH!!??)…no shiggy...” and off we went out the park towards King's Road.

Right down King's Road for about 200 metres, left towards the MTR, then right along a hidden cut through, and dog legging up to a check at....the park. Hopeless and LIT checked up the road while Screwtop checked up through the park. Screwtop came back saying there were no markings, and with no sound from up the road, she turned back through the park to recheck – and eventually find trail and “on-on!!”

With the pack encountering a check at Tin Hau Temple Road, on-on was (wrongly) called left through a gate and up skin-tearing, short- ripping, very sharp brambles which just seemed to reach out and grab you as you went past. (Except, Pipe Rider, who being somewhat smaller than the rest of us, came away unscathed!!) 

Confusion reigned 50 metres up into almost impenetrable shiggy and thorns when it became evident that we had been duped (and this conversation would linger on through the night) into following either old trail or (and we only have ourselves to blame for this) following the one person whom we had clearly identified as a phantom trail marker before we set off on the run. But even so, we were still drawn inexorably by the siren call of “ON-ONNNNN!!!!”….

On returning to the check, tattered and torn, we were confronted by a very smug all-knowing sage, Jill, who proceeded to laugh at our choice of direction…. “Left!??…. It was never going left!!” ...

… and so it was right!! and back on to the correctly marked trail.

Up a short road to a country trail of more steps and a winding concrete path heading further up the hillside and a lot more steps winding ever upward towards the Moon, which was playing hide and seek behind the clouds that were trying to spoil the party. 

A game of chase the Moon then ensued as the front runners gave chase from one clearing to the next trying to catch a group photo, and laughing each time we were denied and had to sprint to the next one. Eventually we managed to catch it and a group photo was taken up at the highest point next to the trig point on Sir Cecil’s Ride.


Then it was winding along the ridge line and left down some steps to the Wilson Trail, where, further down, Gorf encountered a check-back. Trail was easily found back up the steps and to the right, once again along a country path and heading slowly down steps back in the direction of Quarry Bay.

On down a road, through the streets of Quarry Bay and on home to the park, where it was very quickly worked out that “alternative markings” had been established from the check on Tin Hau Temple Road, which had the pack being cut to ribbons on a false wonders how those markings could have been placed there??


Hopeless did a fine job of running the circle and an even finer job of trying to slaughter the hare with numerous down-downs being directed his way! Also, down-downs were supplemented from...


...the night's "strange markings" culprit – I'm sure we'll never find out who it was!!


It was on-on to a local eatery specialising in Thai cuisine. Hopeless did the honours and ordered enough for four or five. A few minutes later he had to double up on the menu when twice as many people decided to carry on the evenings jovial proceedings. 

The hare and Gorf disappeared to a nearby Seven-11 to restock our dwindling stock of alcoholic beverage. Great cheap food arrived by the bucket load and for a very reasonable $80/person!! Good value. And…with LIT in one ear and Eva in the other, reminding Moonie how long it takes to get to the airport from Quarry Bay, he disappeared into the night, Thailand bound…




On on!

— Moonie

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