The first Full Moon Hash of the year was held on Saturday 7 January at a small sitting-out area in Fo Tan and a short 5-10 minute walk from Exit B of the nearest MTR station. The local daipaidongs, “pigeon restaurants”, were slowly taking over the whole area with their 5-star luxury layout, and so we were squeezed into one of the corners next to the wheely bins.
The Hare gave the brief…. “short, flat, chalk, blah, blah!..” and off the went at a little after 6pm. Off in a north westerly direction, Shatin Galleria on the right, and then a little dog-leg through some side streets, past some car repair shops, and towards a set of steps that took the pack up to Sui Wo Road. Left up the slight incline for about 250mtrs, past the fresh water works and the first check.
Being the Full Moon hash, a number of hashers were tempted to continue running up the hill, but trail went left and through Sui Wo Court. Down through the estate via the steps and arriving at the bottom to an easily solved check.
Right along the walkway/bicycle path, dodging pedestrians and cyclists alike, and heading towards Shatin on the southern side of the train line. Trail went approximately 300m along the cycle path and to another check. Over the highway, doglegged through old village pathways, past a number of political parties (hoping to impress locals with their intentions to build high rise residential buildings in the neighbourhood and impressing on them that they won’t even notice them!!) and back over the next pedestrian bridge back onto the southern side of the rail tracks.
Trail then went through Lek Yuen Estate, past the substation and emerged on Yuen Wo road. Right to the pedestrian crossing, across the road, and down into the pedestrian underpass. Along Sand Martin Bridge south-easterly went the pack, down to the walkway/cycle path on the other side, now running with Shing Mun River on their left and then heading in a north-westerly direction.
A long, flat approximately 800m of running brought the now stretched-out pack to Fo Tan Road, left over the bridge and to a check that conned most into thinking they were heading home.
The pack, which was now nicely brought back together, went along the river, past Promenade Garden No 3 on the left, and on towards the fire station. A cheeky little check-back brought trail along the pedestrian walkway, past the Hong Kong Sports Institute and up towards Fo Tan MTR. Through the MTR to Exit B and on home back to the sitting area.
Moonie explained that this month's moon was a micromoon and its size in relation to other moons. Then had to wake everyone up to continue.
Virgin Full Mooners
BJ n Dingaling, hash stupidity
Liberace for pretending to want to help with beer
Geriatric sat in another park and had a conversation with his imaginary friend
Sweet n Sour who commented that the markings were great despite not doing the run!
Hopeless looking like Wolverine
Pole Dancer was happy we had enough beer
Burning Lust, our evenings champion
LIT who ensured that we all knew where to stick our ring!!
And many more from the floor.